How to Overcome Neediness

We’ve all been there, right? That sinking feeling in your stomach when you think your partner is pulling away from you.

Part of you wants to do whatever you can to prevent your partner from leaving…

Sending dozens of text messages, becoming suspicious of anything your partner does, and asking for reassurance that he or she still has feelings for you.

Is that pit in your stomach intuition trying to tell you something? Or is that feeling a trigger from past experiences of being rejected and unloved?

These emotional and behavioral patterns could very well be neediness.

From my clinical experience, when these extreme behaviors and feelings are going on, it’s usually because of something deep rooted inside us.

If you’ve heard someone say to you, “Quit being so thirsty,” it may be a sign that you are engaging in needy behaviors.  

We all depend on each other for our basic needs of connection, love and security…But neediness is when we “freak out” if we feel that being taken away from us.

Neediness is the unhealthy side to healthy dependency…

It’s craving constant contact, fears of abandonment, and feeling helpless when someone is not giving us love.

If you ever feel extremely anxious and depressed when you believe your partner is pulling away, this episode of Dr. Chris TV is for you!

In this episode, How to Overcome Neediness, you’ll learn the signs of needy behavior, discover the true origins of neediness, engage in a process to stop neediness, and download into your brain the empowering mindsets to take your relationships to the next level!

Click on the picture below to watch the video!


When you overcome neediness, you’ll have healthier relationships! You'll stop driving people away and attract the right people into your life!

Most importantly, learning to overcome neediness means you are a self-sufficient adult that can take care of his or her emotions and provide self-love!

Watch this video until the end, and tell me in the comments section about the needy behaviors you engaged in and which mindsets you are going to use to overcome it!

Thank You, Family!

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