How Can Coaching Benefit Me? How Can Consulting Benefit My Organization?

Dr. Chris' Results Coaching and Consulting Services: Get Your Winning Edge!

Dr. Chris has coached thousands of people to live with self-determination, have a greater sense of personal fulfillment, and achieve their dreams. He provides the tools individuals and organizations need to create lasting change for real results!

Dr. Chris will help you eliminate limiting beliefs, overcome self-sabotaging behaviors, and establish powerful habits for success in your field. 

Key Areas for Coaching and Consulting

Entertainment Industry

Consult on psychological phenomenon for screenplay accuracy, assess personality to hire the right talent, or dismantle creativity blocks to unleash your peak potential. 

Executives and Organizations

Become a better leader, increase revenue, and achieve organizational goals by leveraging psychological tools for success.

Sports and Athletics

Build a champion mindset to give you and your team an unfair psychological advantage in the arena.

Romantic Relationships

Attract your life partner, reignite passion, and overcome barriers in your love life by mastering your mind, body, and emotions.

Are you seeking guidance from Christian regarding a specific issue? You can arrange a one-on-one consulting session, or executive coaching for your organization, to receive practical advice tailored to your situation.

Before scheduling an appointment, it's essential to note that a consultation is distinct from therapy. While therapy typically involves treatment for diagnosed mental health disorders, offering ongoing support and requiring regular commitments over time, a consultation is focused on addressing particular concerns, providing actionable solutions, and is typically time-limited, akin to seeking advice for a specific problem.

A 60-minute consultation is priced at $400(USD), (prices are different for executive coaching) with sessions scheduled in the Pacific Time Zone (-7/8 GMT). Consultations are conducted securely via encrypted teleconferencing, and payment is required in advance, and insurance is not accepted.

If you're interested in proceeding, please fill out the inquiry form below. Thank you for considering our services. 

Please use the contact form or email [email protected]

Contact Form:

Get started today and describe below what you would like help with and Dr. Chris will get back to you

Contact Dr. Chris Rizea

Contact Dr. Chris for coaching and consulting services: [email protected]